Tuesday, 26 May 2009

The real Power of speech.

Over the years I have been networking I have learned some very powerful techniques. The most powerful technique I have learned is that It’s not what you say it’s the way that you say it. By that I mean when you tell someone about yourself and your business what does the other person really hear?

For example A printer at a group got up and Said I’m a printer, I print your message on whatever you want me to. So if you need something printed call me.

Now what did the audience hear. I for one got he was a printer who could have said so much more. I challenged him about what he did and all he said was I print things everyone knows what a printer does!
When I suggested he could have said so much more about his skill and business he said ‘Like what’? I asked him some simple questions like
  • Did he offer a discount to members of the networking club?
  • Did he handle emergency print runs?
  • Could he give me tips on making my print job stand out from the crowd?
  • Did he offer design advice, could he design for me?
  • Was everything done in house?
  • Could I set up an account with him?
  • Could I order by email?
  • Does he have an 0800 number?
  • What was his most challenging job so far.
  • Was he a member of any trade organisations?
When you get thinking about it there is so much more you can tell an audience about your products and services. There are a lot of opportunities for you to share your expertise and places to raise your profile.

So in Advance I have several simple scripts all prepared nice and tight presentations for your company, that you can deliver at the drop of a hat:
  • 30 seconds
  • 1 minute
  • 2 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 10 minutes

It amazes me that when people are asked to speak at an event some say I’m not ready. My question is why bother joining, paying your fees and paying for your food if you are not prepared. Would you pay for a season ticket for your favourite football team and then not go to the matches? No you would not.

Some people do not like speaking to groups and it takes them an age to pluck up the courage to talk to them.
he audience will be with you as you know most and they will help you. After all it’s not like you are a politician defending your expenses claims.

If you don't feel ready then prepare a few options and the next time you get the opportunity take the plunge and volunteer to speak. Who knows you may even enjoy the experience.

and remeber to put the work into network

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