Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Have Good Manners, keep your integrity - build trust and reputation

When you get invited to someone’s house for a dinner party or just a social gathering, it is important to introduce yourself as well as say good by to the host when you leave. Networking is just the same and good manners count for a lot. It is the same with following through on a promise which helps keep your integrity.

Sometimes a situation arises which tempts us to do something for a quick return that is harmful in the long run. It could cause harm or upset that could have been avoided. Making such a mistake can damage personal integrity.

We are all human; mistakes happen. If you do make a mistake or wrong decision - whether it significantly undermines your integrity or not - always admit it and apologise. Far too many people these days live in business by the creed of never apologise. I believe that is because they do not have confidence in their products, or are naive enough to believe that is the way to behave.

Failing to apologise when you are in the wrong- damages a person's integrity and reputation far more than the original misjudgement itself.

Having the ability to own up to an error not only shows you care but actively demonstrates that you are grown up enough to understand. By that understanding you demonstrate to your client / fellow networker you have integrity.

We only need to think of how we view people in high and public authority, notably politicians, when they fail to take responsibility and admit their mistakes, then complain that voter numbers are down!

People of low integrity sooner or later find that the only friends they have left are other people of low integrity. Or as you may call them the cowboy tradesmen, sharp practice suppliers and foot in the door salesmen.

Significantly, integrity and good manners are vital for trust to develop. Trust is simply not possible without integrity. And networkers depend on the trust based relationship that develop over time and deliver business year after year.

So next time you visit a networking event make sure you shake hands with the host on the way out as well as on the way in


Helping Real people do Real business through Real Networking

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