Thursday, 24 September 2009

A Crash course in networking

I received a telephone call yesterday from a journalist. He was writing a piece for a local paper and wanted to pick my brains on the subject of networking.

He wanted to know how quickly you could expect a return on your money from Networking activities.
And he was asking the usual polemic questions about Networking clubs and money.

What are the keys to success in networking and again how much does it cost. How quickly you see results.

I had to tell him he had missed the point.

Why had he missed the point?
Simply because everyone is different and every company will have different objectives form the next. If you are a jobbing printer you should start to see a return quickly.

But if you are selling conservatories, one quality connection a year will more than cover any networking expenditure.

Don't expect results immediately - it's all about developing relationships and that takes time. Time to create trust based relationships that deliver business year after year after year.
Take time to invest in your networking.

Nurture relationships. Grow people and your investment will be rewarded many, many, many times.


Helping Real People do
Real Business through Real Networking

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