Monday, 15 June 2009

How not to network

At a recent breakfast meeting I was a little dismayed to see that at every place there were several pieces of marketing literature. These had been put there by members but to what end?

If it was to allow everyone to have their up to date information there may be a reason to forgive them. But at no time during the meeting was any of this litter mentioned. This is by far one of the worst things you can do when you are networking.

Think for a moment what this sort of action says about you or your products.
Having just called this form of publicity litter I should explain. I took the time to see how many pieces of literature were left behind.

It will no come as a surprise to anyone who has experienced this form of marketing that over 90% was left and binned by the staff at the venue.
To understand why is to understand the reason why people go to networking meetings. The main one is they want to influence people in a way that stands out from normal marketing.

They want time to discuss their products as well as take time to understand what others have to offer.

In short they want a face to face exchange of information.
If you are ever tempted to distribute materials you have spent time and emotion in creating. Place them on a marketing table and let members know what is in it and why they should pick up a copy.

I would suggest you will get a better return from your networking sticking to proven face to face communication


Encouraging Real People, to do Real Business Through Real Networking

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