Sunday, 21 June 2009

If at First You Don't Suceed Try again, or do you?

If at first you don’t succeed…..

How many of us are successful networkers?

How many of us are failed Networkers?

Both those questions get me thinking

I remember my first attempts at networking I was appalling. I said the wrong things, I was too ‘in your face’. In short I did just about all the wrong things. Maid me think and evaluate what it was I was doing.

Long story – short I changed and became a better networker, I hope. Take a peek at this short on You Tube

If at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again. Just like Networking keep informing people telling them not sealing to them and you will be successful.

Helping Real People do
Real business Through Real Networking

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Word of mouth marketing, do you have a strategy ?

At an impromptu meeting with a lady who runs an authoring and writing business.

We exchanged views about how we both generate business.

The businesswoman told me she gets her business from thee sources.
I was amazed that she knew exactly where all her business came from.

25-28% of her business comes from Internet marketing

30 – 35% comes from repeat business
40 -50% comes from Word of mouth marketing.

The last part is what we all know it as Networking!
I asked her how long it took her to generate that level of business and she said two years.

And followed up by telling me she used to spend money in Directory advertising which she has now canceled.

I was told she used to spend over £4,000 a year and now uses that money elsewhere
In my own business I am striving to get to that percentage of word of mouth business.

What's your word of mouth strategy?


Helping Real People do Real Business through Ral Networking

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Trust Based Business

Trust Based Business

In a 1:1 meeting recently the person said to me, "Almost all my business comes from client recommendation. I get these referrals because I have done a great job for them, but as a small company I don’t have enough clients to make my word of mouth business generate the income I need. So how do I generate more word of mouth referrals??"

A common enough question as it is a common issue. The answer has four stages.
Networking as we know is about building trust based relationships so the first step is engaging with people.

How do I engage with a networker that will see me generate more business? That question is not unusual and the answer is all about how you engage and follow up after making contact.

The mantra of networking is Tell don’t Sell. It may be worth explaining that phrase as some out there look at networking as a market place a sales forum or a trading floor. It is non of those things. At a networking event, you are selling, yes selling to the contacts of the people in the room. This is best done by telling a story about your business, a story that is easy to remember. That way it will be easy to retell by a third party.

Follow Up: The number of people I meet at networking events who never follow up a meeting. You want success you follow up. A quick email or phone call is all that is required.

Form a relationship with people. Best done by frequent conversations at least 4 mins every time you meet at the networking event.

And make it easy for the people you have a relationship with to refer you and your products. This is sometimes referred to as advocate marketing.

Take these four simple steps and you will be a successful networker.


Helping Real People do
Real Business Through Real Networking

Monday, 15 June 2009

How not to network

At a recent breakfast meeting I was a little dismayed to see that at every place there were several pieces of marketing literature. These had been put there by members but to what end?

If it was to allow everyone to have their up to date information there may be a reason to forgive them. But at no time during the meeting was any of this litter mentioned. This is by far one of the worst things you can do when you are networking.

Think for a moment what this sort of action says about you or your products.
Having just called this form of publicity litter I should explain. I took the time to see how many pieces of literature were left behind.

It will no come as a surprise to anyone who has experienced this form of marketing that over 90% was left and binned by the staff at the venue.
To understand why is to understand the reason why people go to networking meetings. The main one is they want to influence people in a way that stands out from normal marketing.

They want time to discuss their products as well as take time to understand what others have to offer.

In short they want a face to face exchange of information.
If you are ever tempted to distribute materials you have spent time and emotion in creating. Place them on a marketing table and let members know what is in it and why they should pick up a copy.

I would suggest you will get a better return from your networking sticking to proven face to face communication


Encouraging Real People, to do Real Business Through Real Networking

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Follow up techniques

Anyone who plays or watches rugby will be well aware of the phrase “A Kick is only as good as the chase” Its just like that in Networking.

You put in the hard work and get up with the Cock-Crow, drive you the venue, swap cards with people, have conversation, present your 60 seconds and then? Nothing, Nada, not a whisper

Funny world go to all that trouble and no one gets back to you.

I’m not sure exactly why that happens but I believe it is down to the members believing that the visitor should do all the work. And all to often the visitor not fully grasping the facts that they are expected to put the work into network.

Networking is similar in lots of ways, the follow up is vital. This can be as simple as a quick email saying thanks for the hospitality and looking forward to next time. You can be more informative and add something about what you do and if you think there is a potential connection add some links y=that you think will be helpful to them. But Follow up you must.

The recipient is more likely to remember you, think of your products and services. You are more likely to enter into a discussion with them. There is a greater possibility mutual business will develop quickly

The follow up is one of the cornerstones to effective networking use it.

Not sure how many of you sell as part of your business activity, but when a survey asked people why they didn’t buy the products or services offered replied. “I was never asked if I wanted to buy them” Staggering

If you regularly follow up you will be different to most of the people that regularly spend time networking. Make sure you invest your time and meet up with the people you really connect with and start building a mutually beneficial business relationship

Networking Gold. I have a signature set up in Outlook that I use for this, so all I have to do is type an email address and add their name into the mail. Hey Presto I have sent a follow up in less than 30 seconds, how hard is that?


Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking

Monday, 8 June 2009

Elections and Networking - Work the room!

That phrase ‘Work the room’ is a common one in politics, as the prospective candidates try to impress as many people as they can to vote Me at the next opportunity.

Do I see connections with networking? You bet I do.
How often do you find time to have a meaningful conversation with every one else in your networking group? Oh by meaningful conversation I mean at least 3 to 4 minutes. One of the most important networking techniques is constant contact.

The more you talk to people, and the more you offer to do something for them, the more likely it is that they will find something for you.
That’s it, no special hand shake, no secret texts and no secret societies. One on one communication builds a relationship, and with that relationship come trust. It is the key to developing word of mouth referrals that benefit your business. The maths are straightforward, if there are 20 in a group, you need to talk to 19 people every week.

That means you need another hour on top of the meeting to talk to every one else in the room. How you portion that time out is your choice.
I know of one group with 40+ members, their meeting starts at 7 AM just like every other breakfast meeting up and down the country. The difference is that by 5:30 the room is buzzing, by 6:15 it is full and the energy is electric.

This group regularly is responsible for thousands of pounds worth of business each week.

To get yourself elected, and generate more revenue for your business, work the room.


Encouraging Real People, to do Real Business Through Real Networking