Monday, 4 April 2011

The early bird catches the worm, But Don't leave early! Paul Johnstone

The early bird and all that!!!!

You know that’s true but for some of you not easy to achieve. You may have child care issues, busy lives to organise or, you may just be one of those people who can't seen to arrive on time. The age old saying about the early bird used to drive me nuts when I was a child. To me getting there on time was no big deal.  

That all changed on the day when I went to play for the under 15's town team, in a cup semi final.  I strolled into the changing room with 20 mins to go to the kick off only to find no one there and no spare shirts!  I found out because I was late (20 mins) I had been dropped for that game.  The real killer was we won and my replacement had a blinder.  You can guess who played in the final ~ not me.

Networking is no different, when you arrive early you have an opportunity to have a business c conversation with al the other members.  This is just one way you build trust between members.  And you know trust leads to business.

Be careful not to leave too early

Now at the end of  a really good networking meeting you will often see people still engrossed in conversations. Many of them will have their diaries to hand arranging meetings. It is this follow up activity in between networking meetings that really make the difference. If you are always rushing off right on time you might be missing out.

Next time you put a networking meeting in your diary try and leave some space beyond the formal end so you don't have to rush off.

Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone

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