Like Networking your web site must be fit for purpose. When we go networking we go prepared! Taking cards, badge our 60 seconds, note pads, and we have our elevator pitch ready for action. We dress to impress and are usually prepared to meet all who come to the event and spend time with them to understand their needs. Our aim is to get to know people a little better, so we can position our services to help solve their issues.
When networking we talk, and more importantly we listen. Listening helps us meet prospects needs, it helps us interact with others, it shows we are interested in what others have to say. In fact we do what we need to, so we can make things happen. The good networkers are prepared for whatever the event throws at us, and many make things happen.
Your web site should be suitably fit for purpose. Here I may upset a few readers well designers anyway. A great design can be multiplied by other futures. The most emphasis has to be placed on the Headline. As in copy writing, 90% of your effort should be spent on the headline and the first paragraph. Secondly it has to get people to interact with your web site, just get them to do something. Once they do that they are closer to becoming a client. But your landing page has only 3 seconds to capture their interest.
On my search for information I came across this site. Copybogger is a great place to get tons of free information, why not take a look at this for some great information It is also one of the top 50 most visited Blogs on the net, so they are doing something right.
Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone
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