We are more or less involved in networking of one sort or another. I was at a Refer-On presentation the other day and was challenged about the time allocation between Face to face networking and social media networking.
The thrust of the conversation was he had analysed his time in both areas against the rewards he had in return. Not surprisingly he got the vast bulk of his networking business form his face to face activities. What he had not been prepared for was just hoe little he could trace to social media!
Personally I prefer face to face networking. The reason is simple if someone expresses interest in my products, I have body language and verbal clues to help me understand what the person wants.
Face to face networking also has one other great benefit and that is you work with people regularly. This helps in developing a trust based relationship with them, and with that comes more business.
Not that you can’t do that on line, but be honest you do not know much about the other person apart from the image they have loaded on the site. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying anything about the people who use social media to network, I use it. And I have generated business online through social media.
The point is we buy from people we know, like and trust, whenever we can. Just think about the brands you associate yourself with. You buy them because you know and understand what they can do for you. It’s so much easier, I believe to generate interest in your products or services in person.
These days I tend to use sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to generate interest in the product or offering. I find I ma spending less time
Now this is one person and s as such should not be seen as a trend. However I would be interested to know from you what strategies you use? Can I ask you to take a look at the following questions and post your answers.
- How you segment your time?
- What you describe as profitable networking?
- So where do you get most business form?
- And how do you review / asses your activity to rewards?
It will be good to understand what you do, and thanks for your time
Helping Real people do Real Business through Real Networking