Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Face to Face or On-Line, which networking type brings you the best reward?

Paul Johnstone ©

We are more or less involved in networking of one sort or another.  I was at a Refer-On presentation the other day and was challenged about the time allocation between Face to face networking and social media networking.

The thrust of the conversation was he had analysed his time in both areas against the rewards he had in return.  Not surprisingly he got the vast bulk of his networking business form his face to face activities.  What he had not been prepared for was just hoe little he could trace to social media!

Personally I prefer face to face networking.  The reason is simple if someone expresses interest in my products, I have body language and verbal clues to help me understand what the person wants.

Face to face networking also has one other great benefit and that is you work with people regularly.  This helps in developing a trust based relationship with them, and with that comes more business.

Not that you can’t do that on line, but be honest you do not know much about the other person apart from the image they have loaded on the site.   Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying anything about the people who use social media to network, I use it.  And I have generated business online through social media.

The point is we buy from people we know, like and trust, whenever we can.  Just think about the brands you associate yourself with.  You buy them because you know and understand what they can do for you.    It’s so much easier, I believe to generate interest in your products or services in person.

These days I tend to use sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to generate interest in the product or offering. I find I ma spending less time

Now this is one person and s as such should not be seen as a trend.  However I would be interested to know from you what strategies you use?  Can I ask you to take a look at the following questions and post your answers.

  • How you segment your time?
  • What you describe as profitable networking?
  • So where do you get most business form?
  • And how do you review / asses your activity to rewards?

It will be good to understand what you do, and thanks for your time

Helping Real people do Real Business through Real Networking

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Network Sandwich

Paul Johnstone ©

In management there is a technique called the "feedback sandwich", which is where you are supposed to accentuate the positives of a workers performance band in the middle lays the criticism you need to get across.

You know the formula:

  • A specific positive comment is made
  • Criticism or suggestion for improvement
  • Overall positive comment

This is also known as an Incompetency Attack (other phrases have been used), I am sure at some time we have all been the subject of one of those meetings.  

But we are smart people, once we hear the first part we know what’s coming so why do managers still use this formula?  I guess it's because they believe it still works.

What’s this got to do with networking?  Everything is the answer.

Networking is your interaction with other people.  Like Management in a company you are interacting with colleagues.  You are working for them and they are working for you.  Well that’s what should be happening.

When people refer you to inapropriate clients or provide dead leads, what then?  In these times when thigs do not go according to plan.  You now have two options:  Let it slide after all they are only doing you a favour.  Dangerous as that breeds the attitude if you don’t care I don’t care and everyone looses.  Or Correct their behaviour so they work for you in the way you would like them to.

We all know if someone is not doing the best for you and their only reward is the feeling of contribution, which makes them feel good.

A technique now being used in business forbids the use of criticism and uses anchor words in the process.   The words we use condition the outcome.  Just like your 60 seconds- If every week you sat, I am, I work for, my firm has been in business for and we are located at.  What you are doing is filling time, no one is the least bit interested, Why not? 

What they want to know is what’s in it for me, not how long you have been in business. How can you help my clients not what qualifications you have.

The same principle applies with the fellow networker who is not doing what you would like them to do.  You know the member who puts you forward to people you will never be able to help!

The formula is this:

  • Make a suggestion.
  • Give 2 reasons why you think it’s a good idea: one states what the suggestion would accomplish, and the other states how the problem would be prevented or solved.
  • Make an overall positive comment about the person’s ability.

This has two benefits for you.  Your colleague never believes they are being told of and they feel valued because you have taken the time to work with them. Often as not this tuns into referals that are spot on for you.

Networking is held together by cooperation.  The power of the group is far greater than the power of the individual.  The more individuals in the group feel valued by you, the more likely they are going to be to work for you.

So no more Network Sandwich.

Helping Real people do Real Business through Real Networking

Monday, 12 April 2010

Mixed Messages

Paul Johnstone ©

A lot of what determines success or failure is NOT the obvious stuff that you see and are concerned with.

Studies have shown that whether you're talking to someone their impression of you and what you say is based ONLY ABOUT only 7% are words, you use!! The other 93% is made up of 38% verbal, 55% visual in other words most of it is your body language. 

This combined with the sound and qualities of your voice. I'm sure it's easy for you to understand that if you sound uncertain, no one is going to follow you. To be successful, you must sound and look like you know exactly what you are doing.

Face to face networking should help you develop these skills. Also a great resource is the Association of Speakers clubs http://www.the-asc.org.uk who hold meeting all over the UK.  

As a networker the ability to address groups is one of the keys to your success.  We will all have seen people present who do not get their message across and as a result don’t get business.

Every 60 seconds needs a start a middle and an end, and these components need to be joined up.  A bright opening followed by an example of your skill with a nicely worded conclusion is what will make you stand out form the crowd.

Networking is not just social networking, nor is it just face to face networking.  

The great networkers have a presence in both camps.  Because they both support each other.   And the higher your profile off line as well as on-line will determine how successful your networking activity will be.

Those of you who have read my 10 steps to profitable networking will be aware that being regular when networking is one of the cornerstones to success.

At Refer-On through our meeting topics we show people how to get the most out of their networking.  It’s just part of what Refer-On does. 

You invest a lot of time, effort and money in your networking activity, and you deserve success.  This is great once you have trained yourself to be regular.  Turn up at every networking meeting you are supposed to, weekly, monthly or annually. Raise your profile on line by offering to help others first. 

Never start a social networking connection with a sales pitch, you will loose so many friends that way.  When you message people make it valuable to the reader and don’t dump on them a date, time and place of an event.

When networking face to face never start by selling your product or service, you must sell yourself first.  And if you are I in MLM never, never try to sign up distributors from your regular group.  This last one should be self evident but so many get it wrong.

Be positive when speaking to groups and help them where ever possible.  Which is where your ability to address a group, normally in your 60 seconds is worth it’s weight in gold. Show people you care and they will come with you. 

If all you do is use networking as a sales opporunity, it is probable people will turn away from you.  After all everyone has a choice who to buy from.  Most people buy from those they know, like and trust. 

Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking

Friday, 9 April 2010

Excellence is the only way forward.

Paul Johnstone ©

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle

So, let me ask, what habits have you created around your business networking?
The first habit that every business person should have is the habit of tracking your activities. Creating a tracking system requires that you track several things.

Track your networking activities.
· Who are you networking with?
· What activities are you participating in?
· Have you been specific in what you are asking for?

Track your giving activities.
· Who have you given business to?
· What connections have you been able to make?
· Did this lead to business for the other people?

Track your receiving 'in-book'.
· Who has made a connection for you?
· Bid that connection result in business?
· What was that business worth? It may not be a monetary value.

Track your thanking activities.
· Who have you thanked
· How have you thanked them?
· Have you given them a testimonial?

When you have a system for tracking your activities and you use it consistently, you begin to develop a habit. It is these habits that creates excellence in your networking business!

And as we know once you operate in an atmosphere of excellence you attract like minded people to you.  The net result is you build a contact sphere of people who share the same values and those values will ultimately help you to succeed. 

Helping Real people do Real Business through Real Networking

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

I'm looking for an introduction to Mr A Stevens Financial Director of Bloggins & Co in Macclesfield, Are you able to help?

Paul Johnstone ©

Its funny how often I sit round a table with other networkers and hear them ask for anyone you know, Blah, blah, blah.  How many of you have heard the same old, same old when it comes to looking for a connection.

We all know the facts that the more specific you are, the more likely you are to find someone who can help you make a connection with one of your business targets?

Urban myth exploded:-- by being specific you are not shutting the door on other potential connections.  Far from it!

At business networking events, many people have the belief that if you don’t asking for everything and everybody, you will miss connections, miss business and miss orders.   In reality when people in your group ask for anyone you know who is in need of organising, or for people who you know who are starting a new business, or for high net worth individuals. Do you remember what was being asked for an hour later?

Well when you are specific the brain has a better chance of remembering what people want.  It’s called your reticular activator (all theses long words for memory) and it reacts to triggers.

And it’s the triggers that work so well once your reticular activator has been fired up.  It lets you know when you should mention the Accountant, designer, solicitor, florist and business coach.

But if you don’t feed peoples trigger how will they ever remember what you are looking for?

There are four ways of getting to connections that can help you achieve your business objectives:

1 Name – Rank and all that. Ask for an introduction to Mr A Stevens, Financial director of    Bloggins and Co In Macclesfield, because you can help them with……

2 If you don’t know their name ask for the Financial director of Bloggins and Co In Macclesfield, because you can help them with……  However a little desk side research and Google should help you identify the person you want an introduction to.

3 Something memorable:  I would like an introduction to people you know who cycle to work because.  People you know with a swimming pool because…. People you know who live in X street in Y Town  All are memorable.  So much better than I want to meet anyone you know who lives in a house.

4 And finally when you are looking to be introduced to a particular type of business.  Florists in Falmouth - Accountants in Accrington - Insurance Brokers in Ipswich, or Solicitors in Stevenage - Because I can help them with ………

Remember always to add why you can help, or what service you supply that will help them in business.  It’s often this last part that is remembered first.  This is a crucial tip for business startups, the quicker your requirments are out there the quicker you will get the introduction.

This dramatically improves your chance of meeting the person you want.  There are many testimonials to this method and I will forward several to you so please ask for them

Helping Real people do
Real Business through Real Networking