Thursday, 6 August 2009


On Radio 4 this morning, well very early this morning there was a piece saying that teenagers are leaving Facebook in their droves. And the reason for this galloping exodus?

It seems the teenagers have found out that Facebook is a marketing and business tool.

As it is now used by more business and corporate people it is not cool to be on there anymore.

OK so what? Why should business people fill the void left by the spotty brigade?

Well Facebook along with LinkedIn and sites like Twitter are perfect platforms to promote your products and services.

It costs nothing but a little consistent effort and can be done in 15 – 20 minutes a day.
At a Refer-On meeting this morning, Social media came up and one of our members explained how we need to be in charge of the media and not the other way round.

By taking charge you will get business out of these sites, it’s now a matter of approach. It’s just like how you learn and acquire skills. Little and often is the way forward.

Does anyone remember the Interview live on American TV in the early 70’s (sorry showing my age) between Garry Player and a reporter.

When a reporter who could not understand why a non American was at the head of the leader board asked. “How come you are so lucky Mr Player?”

The now famous reply came back. “You know it’s funny, the harder I practice the luckier I get”.

So get active on social networking, get good at it and it will bring you rewards, you know its just a matter of practice.


Helping Real People do
Real Business Through Real Networking

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