Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Business networking – 10 quick tips

All of you who read this blog will know by now that I am passionate about having clear goals when networking. Here are ten of the best tips for effective business networking.

Consider that all sorts of professional people outside of the business community can also be very helpful networking contacts - for example, scientists, lecturers, teachers, local councillors, etc. When developing your networking plans, think beyond the people you'd typically see at other business networking events. Some of the most important connections are not business people, and consequently you need to be creative in reaching them. Below are some examples of what to have in mind when you are networking

These tips apply broadly to any sort of business networking - face-to-face, organized events, business social networking exhibitions, seminars etc.

10 top tips for networking

1. Elevator speech, or be prepared
This is how you describe yourself concisely and impressively. Have 20 – 30 seconds practiced so you can ‘drop’ it into the conversation seamlessly and naturally.

2. Be different.
Aim high. Be the best at something or become an acknowledged expert. Have a memorable hook line.

3. Help others.
This is so easy - Help others and you will be helped. Remember it is better to give than receive and in networking that simple action will come back in spades to benefit you.

4. Personal integrity.
Integrity, trust and reputation are vital for networking. This leads on to having good manners, listen first then people will feel duty bound to listen to you.

5. Relevant targeting.
Talk to strangers, this is always a great place to start after all this is a networking event. Then talk to people you may have identified as in your target group and finally talk to clients.

6. Have a goal.
Plan your networking - and know what you wan to achieve, it may be to get an appointment with 7 people in the room. It may be to get 7 strangers to allow you to send information. It may just be to collect a number of business cards.

7. Follow up.
Following up meetings and referrals makes things happen. In fact the more I think about it, the more this is the number 1 in Networking. If you do not follow up you may as well have stayed at home.

8. Be positive.
Be a positive influence on everyone and everything. Simple enough but the test is when you have been on your feet for a couple of hours and you still keep that positive approach.

9. Sustained focused effort.
Focusing on your Goals and targeting will help you succeed. Be focused - and ever-ready.

10. Life balance.
OK this is not specifically a Networking Tip but by being balanced builds assurance over time.


Helping Real People do Real Business through Real Networking

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the informative post.

    The key in small business networking business is to have a lot of different leads and many contacts at the same time. Some will be ready to jump into long-term client status and some will not at different stages and different times, but keeping in touch with all of them will help you stay in contact with a lot of potential and actual business.
