Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Too shy to network? Let social media take the strain!

A first for Networking in 60 seconds, we have a Guest Blogger,  Gemma Thompson from Social Media Illuminations Check her blog at http://tinyurl.com/425vz6h  We would love to get feedack on these commenst

Today I want to tell you a story, it's a story about a kind business lady called Sarah, and how she was too shy to network.

It's also a story about how she overcame that shyness, and it's a story about you, and me, and how we can become better business people by following Sarah's lead.

A couple of years ago Sarah was unhappy at work, her employers swung between ignoring her and exploiting her until they were finally hit by the recession and made her redundant. Of course she wasn't alone in this, thousands of British people have gone through similar recently, I wonder, were you one of them?

Sarah decided to use her redundancy money to support her while she started her own business as a virtual assistant. She also moved back to her home county where the house prices were cheaper and her money would last longer.

She faced many of the same struggles you did when starting your business, the interminable form filling, finding reliable suppliers, trying to define her service and USP! But her biggest problem (and I'm sure you'll sympathise with this) was finding customers.

Having recently moved Sarah didn't know too many people and she knew deep in her heart that she would have to get out and meet some. But she was so shy, the thought of going along to a chamber meeting or a BNI chapter terrified her.

"Imagine, me in a room full of all those successful business people! They'll probably laugh at me,” She thought, shuddering.

She searched the Internet, looking for smaller networking groups in her area and found one that had an online forum attached, she browsed through the posts the members had added and found one that seemed to tell a story she could relate to, it was about using social media to strengthen your networking skills. She posted a comment, thanking the author and explaining she really was shy but was going to take the plunge and come along.

What happened next shocked Sarah!

Several of the group members instantly got in touch to reassure her that she would be welcome and they also offered to connect with her on other social media sites. She took them up on this and found out a lot more about her fellow networkers by perusing their LinkedIn profiles, she even shared a couple of jokes with them on Twitter.

The posts author offered to meet her for coffee alone first so she wouldn't walk into a room full of strangers! This really helped build Sarah's confidence and by now she was looking forward to the meeting.

Her online reception meant she built a strong network within the group very quickly, and happily accepted invitations from them to other networking events, even groups she had found a little scary at first now held no fear for her!

She continued to build her online network too and now is well known throughout her home county and beyond. And, more importantly has got business from network!

How do I know all this? Because I was the author of the post she commented on, and I'm so glad she did because it allowed me to meet another new friend and business associate!

So if you share any of Sarah's previous situation, or just want to grow your network, imagine what saying hello online could do for you ... In fact don't just imagine it, do it! We'd love to meet you!

Gemma Thompson is a communicator and endlessly curious. Use of Facebook & Twitter led to excellent brand awareness for her start-up business a few years ago. In less than a year she had a substantial ROI – £4,083 of business for £950 hours spend, and was being asked to teach others how she was doing it! She is now a full time social media consultant. For help growing your business through twitter, facebook, blogging or LinkedIn get in touch – www.socialmediailluminaton.co.uk.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Eyes wide Shut

Getting business quickly

I met with a couple of people in my network on Saturday in town, people I advocate. I've known them for a few years and they have both invested their time in building trust in their relationships. 

They are embarking on a joint venture alongside their other commitments. One of them won a pitch this week with another long term contact. They are now getting a real return on the relationships they have built networking.

By chance I also spoke to someone today at the start of his independent consultancy business. He is long enough into it to have discovered that his ex corporate colleagues and contacts are longer the connections he now needs. 

They are part of his old corporate network, that, while useful do not fulfill his current needs. It surprised him that they weren't there for him, as it surprises a lot of people. 

He recognizes that he needs to build the sort of trusted relationships. And he also has the financial imperative to find some clients quickly.

It's absolutely essential for him to get clarity on 3 things quickly;

  • His target market
  • The problem he solves for them
  • The positive outcome of his intervention
Then he needs to identify some targets. Companies & names of people in them and the problems he can solve for them. The network can help him if he helps them.

About the Author

Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, he build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ 

Please comment on this or any of my earlier Blogs. All feedback is great feedback

Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone