Today, let's talk about presenting yourself in an attractive, compelling way. Because people buy from people they like. Well taken one step further they buy from people they know like and trust.
Everyone, you, me your colleagues and friends need to 'buy you' before they buy what you're selling. People will always buy people before they buy products and services.
This is why one member one profession is such a bad idea in a network club. If everything else is equal, people will buy from the people they like rather than people they don't like.
Now armed with that knowledge how do you ‘help’ people to like you?
First up it will help if you remember you are selling yourself and that is a very powerful tool. Once mastered, you can be sure it will drive business your way time after time. Learning how to use this powerful weapon is a fantastic way of growing your business.
OK how do I do that? If it’s not the first question on your lips it’s probably your second. Your objective is to present yourself in an attractive and compelling way. Sounds easy – well it is once you remember three key facts. If you want to sell yourself and make it easy for people to buy from you , here are the three key steps:
- Be likeable. The law of attraction and how to get people to like you. This, believe it or not, is straightforward are things you can do and say to make more people like you more quickly. Non verbal communication: before you speak to someone smile. Then ask interesting question but importantly LISTEN TO THE ANSWER. Always dress for the event and that’s not the latest fashions. Look professional and you will be associated with your profession. And the killer ‘The Follow up’ Oh so important when networking. It’s a follow up and NOT A SELLING opportunity.
- Be credible. Your professional appearance is a great help when your natural charm is not working. You know sometimes we don’t get people. This is when people don't just like you, but they value you, rate you and However because of your credibility they trust and listen to what you say.
- Being Profitable. Here you reap what you sow. The relationships you have developed now start to deliver business, so don’t stop, keep at it. So many people think that once they have made some connections that’s it, no more networking. How wrong they are. Your personal referral system tends to drop off sharply when you walk away. The answer is clear use your skills to sell yourself and keep doing it.
- see you, they'll like you.
- like you, they'll trust you.
- trust you, they'll buy you.
- buy you, they'll refer you.
Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone
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