How many places are there to network? How many occasions are there where your networking skills can be used with effect? Far more than you might imagine.
Most of us tend to think only of the best known business networking clubs and websites. But why stop there? Business networking can be done virtually anywhere that you find business-people.
Take a look at the following list; there are some alternative situations and methods for business networking
Many of these networking situations are simply opportunities to meet people relevant to your aims, when your initiative and creativity can turn vague potential into worthwhile networking.
For all networking opportunities, your success is dependent on the relevance of the situation and the quality and energy of your involvement.
The A - M more next time...
Annual General Meetings AGMs are by their nature a regular occasion offered by corporations and membership organizations to engage with its members. Some are very formal and tightly run with little networking opportunities, but others are more sociable affairs, in which case if the group is relevant to your aims, and you can become a member it's worth consideration.
Breakfast networking clubs
There are lots of these -so start the day with some business with your Corn-Flakes. Some companies will run one-off events to connect with the local business community. There are two primary types of club. Fixed and Forum. Chose the type that suits you.
Business networking websites Since the development of interactive website technology in the late 1990s there are increasing numbers of online business networking organizations. There are lots but LinkedIn is probably the biggest and most useful. You can find lots quite easily by searching the web.
Chambers of Commerce Every county has at least one 'chamber of commerce', and many towns have chambers. Many run networking events and/or other meetings and activities which are ideal for networking.
Community social websites
Facebook is the obvious example. There are many others. Culture and demographic profile are different in each. Some of these websites and memberships are vast. Bigger than countries. This is because of the social aspect, which might initially be appealing, but making a business impact can be very challenging due to the scale of these operations.
Conferences Conferences are full of people with common interests. Coffee breaks are an ideal time to make introductions.
Conventions Conventions are organized for all sorts of special interest groups. If the group is relevant to your aims in any way, then their convention could offer excellent networking opportunities.
Exhibitions Are obviously full of business people with a common interest. Most exhibitions rightly do not like visitors to canvass the exhibitors, but there are plenty of other situations to meet people and network. The coffee bar is a great place just to start a conversation and see where it leads you.
Foreign trade visits
Local chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, routinely organize trade missions and gatherings to promote international trade for their region and/or members. Scratch the surface and you will be amazed at the connections you can make at these events.
Hospitality events Fewer these days but they still happen. They are usually organized by corporations to get to know their suppliers and customers. If you find yourself involved in one of these it will present some of the best conditions for business networking that you will ever experience. Elevator pitch and memory magic will serve you well.
Institutes for industries Every industry has its own institute or similar. Various events and methods generally exist by which outsiders can engage with the institute's membership.
Interactive special interest websites Networking has been made much easier with the advent of interactive membership websites. When you have identified your target groups, there will be a specialist membership website somewhere which represents and brings them together.
Lectures and seminars These occur widely and are held or promote various organizations. Obviously they attract a common grouping of people interested in the subject concerned. Practice talking to open groups at these events.
Local networking events Anyone can set up a networking event, so you can find isolated or more permanent networking operations cropping up near you.
So there you have it the A - M - Fill your boots as the saying goes. N - z follows shortly
Helping Real People do Real business through Real Networking
I recently attended a few local Business Networking Events South Yorkshire that was perfect to generate local contacts and knowledge and potential sales leeds. Networking is often considered a bit smarmy but it is an ideal way of collaborating and expanding your potential as well as your contacts particularly within your sector and geography.