The third part of the how to network series
The Four Most Useless Words In Networking.
The number of times I have heard these words makes me cringe. When you Network you want people to open up to you. And you do that by asking open questions. So why do people inevitably ask a closed one?
The four most useless words in networking I mention is “What do you do?”
What you get is I’m an accountant / Printer / business coach which does not start a conversation naturally. There are lots of ways to start a conversation that will suggest to the other person they have a few moments to express themselves.
Try these as an alternative
What are you business passionate?
What drives you in your business?
Why do you do what you do?
And you will find many of your own once you practice. Anything is good as long as the other person feels involved in the conversation and not reacting to a predictable question.
I want it all NOW!
You will benefit from nurturing connections rather than hunting or chasing that next deal. To get the best results from your networking activities you need to take a longer term approach. You will be best served by helping others. Think how can I help you or how can I serve. Go out there to make a positive impact on someone's day.
The best networkers take a farming approach, they focus on cultivating relationships. Growing relationships for mutual long term benefit, because they definitely do not chase deals or instant sales. You may attend a networking event and get business first time and that's great, but it should not be your objective.
Your best strategy for getting introductions to business will develop over time and as part of a know like and trust strategy. When you get a introduction you want to know, that it is the type of business you want and importantly, that when you make that call it is expected. Here are 3 simple steps to show you care:
Step one get to know your networking colleagues know what they do, know what they like and don't like, know what they stand for and what they are about.
Step two get to like them, get them to like you and build a relationship whilst developing rapport.
Step three build trust and make sure they're reliable and test their reliability on little things first. I cannot stress how important it is to know like and trust your networking colleagues, because you cannot afford to introduce the wrong person, solution or Company to your valuable network, clients, contacts or customers if they cannot perform and also more importantly you cannot expect others to put you in front or introduce you and your company to their valuable contacts if you cannot perform and successfully deliver on your promises. People who you recommend represent you so don't cut corners.
Part 4 the final part will be published shortly
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About the Author
Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach. He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at and