Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Sorry for the inconvenience - this Blog has moved

Hi Folks,

This as a quick post to let you know that after almost 3 years and over 150 posts on here I’ve been seduced by the goodies on offer over at Wordpress!

Follow the crowd over to the new site!

You’ll find all the updates, speaking and presenting tips and techniques over at: http://networkinginanutshell.wordpress.com

Hope I see you over there.

All the best Paul M Johnstone

Monday, 20 February 2012

7 Deadly sins of Networking ~ How not to Network Part 4 Paul M Johnstone

The last in a short series on networking sins, and how to avoid them. A how to guide including Network Strategy.

Letting Fear Get The Better Of You
So you feel nervous about going up to a complete stranger and introducing yourself, you feel apprehensive, this makes you normal. We were all taught as children not to talk to strangers. As a kid this strategy was given to you to protect you. In certain situations or circumstances today this may be advisable however in most cases it definitely does not apply now. In business, however, talking to complete strangers is a way to generate interest and contacts for your products and services.

If you only talk to the people you already know and deal with, you will miss out on opportunities to make new connections. Set a target for yourself before you attend any networking event. Decide how many new contacts you want to make or how many strangers you want to meet. Above all make it fun, turn it into a game and take yourself out of your comfort zone and I promise you that with practice, determination and action you will look back and think what was I worried about, you will also find it to be one of the best business decisions you've ever made.

So what next? Well that it is up to you, but I would encourage you to find a professional business networking organization, which can help you become more successful and improve those skills. I firmly believe making networking part of your marketing activity will be one of the best business decisions you can make and it will be fun too.

Here is a quick recap

  1. Don’t Judge a Book by looking at the cover
    Be real look beyond the image
  2.  Your Mother told you not to
    You know you should follow up ~ so please do.
  3. An Own Goal
    Have a goal when you network but keep it simple
  4. I’m all ears or not
    You are blessed with 2 ears and 1 mouth, use them in the proportion
  5. The Four Most Useless Words In Networking.
    Use opening lines that get you a meaningful answer
  6. Short Term Thinking
    Grow your networking relationships
  7. Letting Fear Get The Better Of You
    Be brave and put your best foot forward
You can ask any questions regarding this blog
Please comment on this or any of my earlier Blogs. All feedback is great feedback.
To keep in touch with Networking techniques just click the ‘Join this site’ button.

About the Author

Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach.  He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ and http://www.pmjohnstone.co.uk/

P.S.  I’m reading a great book The DNA of success by Chris Norton, which is full of fascinating stories from leading figures from sport, politics, business, the military and the arts from some of the most influential business and thought leaders in the UK today.  So far I’m getting lots of real good information. Anyway please take a look and it would be nice if you fed that back to me. I hope you enjoy it.

© Paul M Johnstone founder of The Paradigm Shakers Ltd.  For more information e-mail him at Shaker@paradigmshakers.co.uk

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

7 Deadly sins of Networking ~ Or how not to Network Part 3

The third part of the how to network series

The Four Most Useless Words In Networking.
The number of times I have heard these words makes me cringe.  When you Network you want people to open up to you.  And you do that by asking open questions. So why do people inevitably ask a closed one?

The four most useless words in networking I mention is “What do you do?”

What you get is I’m an accountant / Printer / business coach which does not start a conversation naturally.  There are lots of ways to start a conversation that will suggest to the other person they have a few moments to express themselves. 

Try these as an alternative
What are you business passionate?
What drives you in your business?
Why do you do what you do?

And you will find many of your own once you practice.  Anything is good as long as the other person feels involved in the conversation and not reacting to a predictable question.

I want it all NOW!
You will benefit from nurturing connections rather than hunting or chasing that next deal.  To get the best results from your networking activities you need to take a longer term approach.  You will be best served by helping others.  Think how can I help you or how can I serve. Go out there to make a positive impact on someone's day.

The best networkers take a farming approach, they focus on cultivating relationships.  Growing relationships for mutual long term benefit, because they definitely do not chase deals or instant sales. You may attend a networking event and get business first time and that's great, but it should not be your objective.

Your best strategy for getting introductions to business will develop over time and as part of a know like and trust strategy.  When you get a introduction you want to know, that it is the type of business you want and importantly, that when you make that call it is expected.  Here are 3 simple steps to show you care:

Step one get to know your networking colleagues know what they do, know what they like and don't like, know what they stand for and what they are about.

Step two get to like them, get them to like you and build a relationship whilst developing rapport.

Step three build trust and make sure they're reliable and test their reliability on little things first. I cannot stress how important it is to know like and trust your networking colleagues, because you cannot afford to introduce the wrong person, solution or Company to your valuable network, clients, contacts or customers if they cannot perform and also more importantly you cannot expect others to put you in front or introduce you and your company to their valuable contacts if you cannot perform and successfully deliver on your promises. People who you recommend represent you so don't cut corners.

Part 4 the final part will be published shortly

Please comment on this or any of my earlier Blogs. All feedback is great feedback.
To keep in touch with Networking techniques just click the ‘Join this site’ button.

About the Author
Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach.  He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ and http://www.pmjohnstone.co.uk/

Monday, 30 January 2012

7 Deadly sins of Networking ~ Or how not to Network Part 2

And on with part to of some of the networking sins I have seen.  Here are two more and tips on how to avoid making the same errors.

 An Own Goal
You don’t go to see a prospect without establishing the objective of the visit.  So never go networking without goals and objectives.  Just turning up and being part of it will only get you so far.  Here are a couple of tips that I hope will help you explode the results of your networking activity.

When going to one of your regular networking groups, make sure you have a 2 – 5 minute business conversation with everyone there.  This is the only way you are going to get to know the others in your group.  I can’t stress just how important this technique is.   It by these short but regular conversations that trust is developed between members that leads to business between people year after year.

Now you go to an open event or a network event for the first time do you talk to friends or strangers?  My goal is always to talk to at least 6 strangers at these events.  Networking is about making connections. And all you can call the people you know after the event and let them make connections with people they don’t know.

I’m all ears or not
Why do so many people networking believe the world wants to know everything there is to know about them?  You must have met them, Hi I’m Bob and I can do this and that for you or you may want the other 100 things we do?   Why don’t they pause and listen just for a moment?  Early on in my business career I was told God gave you two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion. . 

Your ability to listen is the most important skills to have.  Why?  Because getting information from others will give you the edge.  You will know more about them and know how to follow up.    Listening is a skill and like all skills has to be practiced.  A friend of mine listens intently to everyone Angie speaks to.  So much so the other person has the impression, that they are the only person in the room. 

Most people don't listen because they are too busy working out what they want to say next. Angie says it’s so much easier to listen and you quickly establish what is important in the other persons’ life.  Again a little practice helps.

Part 3 will be published shortly

I'ld love it if you will leave comments on what you read.
To keep in touch with Networking techniques just click the ‘Join this site’ button.

About the Author
Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach.  He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ and http://www.pmjohnstone.co.uk/

P.S.  I’m reading a great book The DNA of success by Chris Norton, which is full of fascinating stories from leading figures from sport, politics, business, the military and the arts from some of the most influential business and thought leaders in the UK today.  So far I’m getting lots of real good information. Anyway please take a look and it would be nice if you fed that back to me. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, 27 January 2012

7 Deadly sins of Networking ~ Or how not to Network

I would like to share with you some inside tips from the top Networkers in business.
A well known fact inside the Networking community is that companies and business owners who do not network miss out on a rich stream of new contacts and new business.  This additional business can make them more successful, profitable.  It can also help them understand their customers and marketplace better. 

They can test their sales and marketing messages on real people and get an insight in to its effectiveness.

Then there are the business networkers and the mistakes they make that hinder the growth of new business.  Everyone makes mistakes, its how we learn from them that count. What follows is the Seven Deadly Sins of networking.  You probably know this stuff already, but it’s always good to recap now and again.

Don’t Judge a Book by looking at the cover.
We all do this from time to time, and we know we shouldn’t.  When you prejudge someone; you do it mainly out of prejudice or misplaced ideas.  But you have absolutely no idea who they know.   I have had some of my best introductions from people who at first glance I though would be no good for my business.  Now we are back to the book cover again.  Give people time and your attention and let your business relationship grow.  And you will all know the saying “All that glitters is not gold”, so don't jump to conclusions.

Your Mother told you not to
Remember the instructions from your mum when you were growing up?  I’m here to tell you to go against what she said.  You know one of the biggest sins in networking is not using the F word ~ Follow up!  You spend time getting the contacts, business cards and introductions but fail to follow up.  How dumb is that?

The best networkers know that the follow up is more important than the initial introduction.  Once they have done that they also know the power of keeping in regular contact.  You meet at business networking as equals, they do not want to be sold to, think about that for a moment. They do not want to be sold to! After all when was the last time you went to a network meeting with a shopping list?

Your objective at this stage is to find out about them and build rapport with the view to becoming an advocate of their business. Business like spot and Trades are about skill.  The top performers develop skill and success through persistence and a focus on continuous improvement.   It may help you to think of networking as a marketing tool, a promotional activity, not just an breakfast that you go to regularly.   So do the thing your Mother told you not to do Use the F~Word. Follow Up.

You will find in part 2 more tips and it will be published shortly

Please comment on this or any of my earlier Blogs. All feedback is great feedback.
To keep in touch with Networking techniques just click the ‘Join this site’ button.

About the Author

Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach.  He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ and http://www.pmjohnstone.co.uk/

P.S.  I’m reading a great book The DNA of success by Chris Norton, which is full of fascinating stories from leading figures from sport, politics, business, the military and the arts from some of the most influential business and thought leaders in the UK today.  So far I’m getting lots of real good information. Anyway please take a look and it would be nice if you fed that back to me. I hope you enjoy it.