A Networking strategy is vital if you are to get the best out of your business to business networking.
However it’s probably best to start with a couple of No-No’s. When you find a networking club, at least you'll have a heads start.
Far too often I see people hit the room with one intention and that is to SELL. Refreshingly I have been to an event recently, where people who engage in those in the Sell, Sell, Sell tactics are asked to leave!
Networking is about building relationships. These may deliver business to you, but will first they enlarge your connected network. And by offering people help first you will find you are able to help people find what they need through your introductions. This often leads to you getting significant business down the line.
The other mistake I see all to often, is people not respecting others enough. By this I mean that any conversation they are involved in is always one way, theirs. OK you may not be selling but others like to feel they have at least contributed to it.
Frequently these people look back on an event as successful, because they remember most of the information they have given away. But what did the other people say? Often you cannot remember a word that they said.
I’m not throwing stones here. Because I made that mistake more often that I can remember when I started out networking.
So networking success means you have to put the work into network. Have a plan, a plan that you can achieve (apologies to David Hyner) When I go to a networking group for the first time I target 7 people I have never met and have a 5 – 7 minutes conversation with. Amazingly I have got more business that way than with any other new connections I have made.
All that takes is 40 mins and you are able to start a relationship with people you have never met before. OK some people I meet are not appropriate for my business but lots are. And if I had stood back and talked to people I knew, or people I had seen elsewhere that business would never have happened.
Ask yourself what other business to business networking strategies there are?
Then implement them. More networking strategy tips next time. Happy Networking
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About the Author
Paul M Johnstone is a Professional networker, and executive coach. He has build two businesses by using the power of the network and with almost no other marketing. He has worked for 3 of the largest networking organisations in the UK and is a network mentor. He can be reached at +44 (0)7711 324362or through his website at http://www.paradigmshakers.co.uk/ and http://www.pmjohnstone.co.uk/Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone