How to make yourself stand out from the crowd?
Apart from dressing like Coco the Clown and doing magic tricks, or entering the networking event doing acrobatics, what is there?
Two things spring to mind:
Have an elevator pitch ready for every eventuality. You will get better results if you can mix and match to suit most situations. Most of you will have an elevator pitch you use at events and exhibitions. So it will be helpful if you also have phrases you can use at Smaller gatherings and events.
However you also have an opportunity to present your 60 seconds at your weekly networking event. The headline writers amongst you may well have some great opening lines already lined up.
I have come up with a couple of Headlines you may like to trial in both written media as well as an arresting opening to your 60 seconds.
Here goes:
The Secret Of Get Your Prospects To Say "Yes"
The Secret Of Get Your Prospects To Say "Yes" In Just One Minute
Yes YOU Too Can Learn How To Get Your Prospects To Say "yes" With Ease!
Then you can try some of these:
Want free insurance? Ask the man from (your company)
Don’t get stuck in a rut – get ahead with XXX
You all know banging your head against a brick wall is a bad idea!
If you gould do this ( your solution) wouldn't your life be so much easier?
Once you get into the stride you will create lots of arresting headline grabbers and open statements you will have a field day.
Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking
©Paul Johnstone