Paul Johnstone ©
Does any of this sound familiar?
Have you ever been to a business networking event and left feeling that you didn't really get to know anyone?
The conversations at some business networking events can be dull even lifeless, especially if everyone just talks about their business.
Now one of the main reasons we go networking is to increase our sphere of influence. This works because other members start to understand what it is that makes us special.
There is more to business than business itself.
A truism in business is this. “People buy People” they don’t necessarily buy from people in the same group. This is where your social skills come to play.
Ask others about their family, hobbies and so on.
We are all taught to ask questions and then respond. The problem with this technique is that it is not conversation, it is interrogation. “Who are you?” “What do you do?”
A conversation in real live usually starts with a statement or an observation. “You’ll never guess what happened to me today.” Or “”What a fantastic time I’ve just had”
“What did you think about that great show on the TV last night” Ok that’s a question but it’s one that starts a conversation.
When you’re out networking, a good idea is to build up a pool of knowledge about others in your group. If you like a bag of facts that will help you enjoy a conversation with them. Once you have taken an interest in their interests, they will become interested in you.
Often this is when people come alive, smile and reveal their true nature. Especially when they share one of their passions with you..
That often is the spark for a conversation with someone and a real connection where you get to know and like each other. It's those connections that lead to follow up and a good business relationship based on trust where you become advocates. That's when networking really starts to work.
Helping Real People do Real Business Through Real Networking